Melissa Rixon Melissa Rixon

The Rest of Everything

It all begins with an idea.

It was not the most pleasant walk into town; that relentless grey sheet of a sky still pasted overhead. Winter begins to feel like a rude guest toward the end. You can’t wait for it to leave. 

A cluster of mistakes and mishaps (don’t ask) required that I carry myself into town on my own two sticks and I did so with a bitterness for that ugly sky, and maybe even myself, whom I am finding so annoying to be, these days. Middle age is frustrating. It pulls in two distinctly opposite directions: constantly urging you to be younger, healthier, and more energetic while simultaneously undermining that effort at every turn. In the center of me is a great discomfort: a pulling apart of two important halves. I was feeling contemplative over it, my shoes smacking against the wet sidewalk, the cold air pinching my cheeks. I was chastising myself for my perimenopausal forgetfulness—the reason I was making the trip to begin with—and taking a note in my phone to remember:  “look up a vitamin for remembering things.” Putting my phone away, I glanced down and saw them.


The first winter after I moved to England, I wandered into Catherine’s, a chic ladies vintage shop I had quickly come to love. I was admiring a stack of leather gloves when Catherine, herself, approached me eager to share interesting details of how she sourced her treasures. When I spoke in return, the conversation immediately shifted, as it always does. 

“Your accent! Where are you from in America?”

“Florida,” I said, and then waited for the predictable reply, delivered right on cue.

“You traded Florida for this weather?” She asked. It’s a fact that genuinely surprised literally everyone.

“I do think I’ll enjoy having seasons, but yes. The winter is feeling a bit long.” I smiled. 

She asked if I’d noticed the snowdrops “ … the small grassy bunches with the flowering white bells?”

I had seen them, I just didn’t know what they were.

“First you see the snowdrops, then the crocus, then the daffodils, and then the rest of everything. This is the march into Spring, which is well worth the wait. You’ll see.”

For as long as I can remember, I have made a habit of collecting phrases and saving them for a rainy day, and that felt like one needing saving, so I put it in my proverbial pocket. And today, seven years later, I took it out and let it work its magic. 

Snowdrops, simple and elegant, are the first subtle glimpse of something dormant waking up. This is where I find myself now, in a profound Snowdrop Season in my life. After spending twenty years as a stay at home mom, I am now tiptoeing into a new chapter where the kids are leaving home and I am left with a lot of free time; some fear that the best years are behind me and some uncertainty around dusty old ideas I stuffed in a cupboard while I lost myself in the pure joy of raising my children. I always imagined this would feel like the “old me” was being shot out of a canon, but instead it feels like that first yawn into a new day, while old dreams are coming into focus and new ideas are taking shape. I’m a bit groggy, like waking up from a long sleep in unfamiliar light, and I feel unfamiliar too. Of course the year is still early: the sky is still grey, and the air, still quite cold, presses against me. This is no grand “voila!” magic trick transformation. 

But the snowdrops are blooming, promising crocus, then daffodils, and I am choosing to trust Catherine’s encouragement: that “the rest of everything” will reveal itself as I march alongside the thaw . Emerging from my own sort of winter, I am trusting it will be well worth the wait.

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